An Introduction

Words have always been my happy place. Some of my earliest memories center around books; I cannot remember a time when I was unable to read. As I progressed through school that love of words expanded into writing. I found that I could express myself with facility through the written, or typed, word.

This blog, the third for me, will serve as the host for the myriad of essays that have for years languished in my head not finding expression on the page.

On the pages of this blog, the reader will find essays on topics ranging from public school education to personal finance to current events and politics. Race recaps will also find their way onto these pages. The topics will vary because my interests range wide.

That leads to a little about me personally. I am a thirty-something public school English teacher with a background (two degrees) in history. I am a readaholic, baseball fanatic, coffee addict, amateur historian, numbers nerd, Spanish-speaking, wandering traveler, cross stitch crafter, marathon maniac wannabe, minimalist seeking, child of God.

On any given day this blog may shift from a post about the current political situation and its potential historical ramifications to a monthly budget recap or perhaps an essay on an aspect of teaching. During breaks from school there will likely appear more posts than deep in the semester. I hope to publish regularly, though.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

A penny for your thoughts?

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