Check In & Reframe

So much happens in a year that the idea of yearly goals, even when followed through upon, seems foolish or at the least, short-sighted. In this post, I will revisit the goals that I have already reframed at least twice already. I will finish with a look ahead for what I hope to accomplish with these goals in the remaining two months of 2019.

I have a few categories of goals this year: health, fitness, school, reading, writing, and finances. Nearly all of these goals have changed.

Since I last checked in two months ago, I have consistently kept up with my hip and glute exercises but have slacked on the hydration front, so much so that I took the item off my to do list app. I want to become more consistent with hydration although my plan going forward I will talk about later.

With my increased focus on running goals, I have put forth more concerted effort to work on eating healthy. Over the past couple months, I realized that I ate unhealthy food for two primary reasons. One, I did not have anything available to snack on save for candy either in my classroom or my partner’s. Two, I ate out of habit, not because I felt hungry; I just wanted to eat. Also, after conducting some informal research, I discovered that the anxiety medicine I take can increase feelings of hunger. Combine that with reduced running intensity and you have a reasonable explanation for the flabbiness I have felt lately.

As far as fitness goes, I have incorporated speedwork back into my daily routine and have not missed a single run although I have skipped a few strength training sessions. I also have modified the length of the workout or the time at which I run to squeeze in the workout before or after work. In the second half of the post, I will detail what this goal will look like going forward.

On the work front, I still struggle to make good use of my time in my planning periods and my time before or after school. I have had some good days but those were rare.

On the reading front, I continue to consume books at a rate far surpassing my original goal as seen by the fact that I have at this moment completed 111 books, 11 above my original goal of 100. I have changed my goodreads goal, however, and the goal now reflects the height of my ambition which at the moment exceeds my capability to read, time wise. I do not plan to stay there long.

The writing feels like a success but not in the area of journaling. Words fill multiple pages in my travelogues. COmbined with the pictures, these are my favorite posts. My writing for the blog has taken off. The procrastination has shifted back to journaling. My grand declaration in my last post remains words alone. I still want that but the school year got busy quickly.

The comes the financial goal. As i referenced in the post a month or so ago, I made the financial goal with no idea of the changes in housing to come. In an attempt to boost my income a little to still try to reach the original goal percentage of 40%, I took on a homebound student for some supplemental income but that did not work anywhere near how I planned it to work. Right now I need to focus on my real work, not the side hustle.

Here specifically are my updated goals for the remainder of the year. One, maintain adequate hydration, minimum one bottle per day. Two, I want to maintain my hip/glute exercises four days a week as well as at least two times per week of body weight exercises. (I just added this last week.) Three, I want to practice intentional eating, along with eliminating candy again. Four, I plan to get to bed at a reasonable hour so that I can prioritize my workouts. Five, I hope to use my planning periods to get things done, not to vent. Six, I will continue to to read at the same rate and hopefully a little faster so that I can catch up and meet my reading goal. Seven, I want to finish any school related work by nine each night, except Wednesday with life group since I will not get home until 9 on those nights. Eight, I plan to maintain accurate records for all the field trips so that I when I can, I can start saving again.

Here’s to closing out 2019 well!