CRAW Region 2 Week 2 – Finding a Groove

Monday, 55 minutes, 7.16 miles (.65 miles walking)
Lately all of the runs have felt really difficult for the first couple miles, so difficult that it makes me wonder about my overall fitness. Then comes the middle miles where I seem to settle in and it feels *eh*. Then the last couple miles come including their massive hills and I feel strong. I have no idea what’s going on here but I’m channeling it to help me figure out the mental stamina part.

Tuesday, 55 minutes, 7.06 miles (.55 miles walking)
I did not feel fresh on this run at all. It felt hard at first and got only marginally easier throughout. The muscles around my left knee did not feel happy at first either. This has been the case for a week or so. It doesn’t affect my stride but I think I have not given my muscles proper time to recover. I have not run slow on my “rest” days and I have not slept well lately. Also, the temps have gone back to end of summer levels. I think South Carolina has forgotten that we have four seasons to the year. I will focus on that for sure in the coming days and weeks.

Wednesday, couple miles, 3.16 miles (.89 miles walking)
I brought my running things with me to use the track today even though I forced myself to run steady and even. Taking out the hills and having lane lines to follow helped pass the time. Nice and steady.

Thursday, 55 minutes, 6.23 miles (.55 miles walking)
My legs felt fresh for the first time this week. I loved that. The temps didn’t cooperate though and my heart rate stayed high the whole time. Other than that, I loved the run.

Friday, 55 minutes, 7.67 miles (2.75 miles walking)
I felt amazing on the run today! (Part of that may or may not be because I heard through the grapevine that I might be the favorite 6th grade social studies teacher ?)The lower temps helped for sure too! I enjoyed the whole run from start to finish, feeling strong the whole time.

Saturday, long run cut short b/c rain, 2.61 miles ride 12.83 miles, (3.47 miles walking)
We started out running in the afternoon, hoping to take advantage of a break in the showers brought by the remnants of Hurricane Delta. We started running and little more than a minute in, a drizzle started. I looked at the sky and figured that we would deal with this for a few miles and then the sky would likely open up. I don’t mind running in rain but for 12 more miles? We decided to head to the gym to finish the rest of the run but that much time on the treadmill did not really appeal to Mom. I decided that I would cut out a long run this week and ride twice instead. I think that’s just what my body needs since I think I may do a 6 hour run on January 2. I loved the ride and cannot wait to get in even more bike miles tomorrow.

Sunday, 30 minute run, 3.74 miles, 40 minute ride, 12 miles ( miles walking)
I ran a little longer than a single mile today thanks to cutting yesterday’s run short. I would have run even longer if I had realized how close I was to 40 miles for the week even with cutting the long run short. I felt really strong on the run, incredibly so. I cannot wait to get out and run again tomorrow.
I felt good on the ride too although I find it more difficult to describe the ride. Perhaps I do not have enough practice with writing about rides.