CRAW Region 2 Week 4 – Climbing the Ranks

Monday, 57 minutes, 6.25 miles, 10 minutes stationary bike, 3.40 miles (.53 miles walking)
While the craziness at school persists, fitness continues to provide an outlet. YIG and chats with colleagues kept me at school until just before 6pm. I knew that thanks to entrance into fall, I had little light left and if I ran outside I would lose light before I finished the run. Thus, I headed to the gym to use the treadmill. Not only that but I played podcasts on my phone instead of watching something on my kindle. It worked great! I loved running in my new shoes and even decided to hop onto the bike for a few minutes post run to get in a few more miles. I even realized earlier today how much better I felt physically having eaten “clean” and gotten in miles and strength training the day before.

Tuesday, 56 minutes speedwork, 7.11 miles (.59 miles walking)
I absolutely loved this speedwork session. I told myself no excuses and to push flat out on the 400m intervals. I think my average for the fast intervals was approximately 5-10 seconds faster than last week. Fitness-wise I felt so strong on these intervals, even the last one. I felt like I could do at least one maybe two more.

Wednesday, couple miles, 2.62 miles (1.33 miles walking)
I got on the treadmill to start breaking it in. This average run met those expectations. I love the new machine too.

Thursday, 57 minutes, 6.66 miles (1.49 miles walking)
I love having the ability to run at home now. With the temperatures hovering around 80 I decided to run at home rather than outside. Throughout the run, I focused on my form, making sure that I maintained a solid stride.

Friday, 57 minutes, 6.77 miles (2.20 miles walking)
The Crossfit games have returned and I used them for motivation on the treadmill today. I could have run outside but I needed some distracting motivation (a mild sore throat has put a slight damper on things). I ended up running straight through, no walk breaks as I had made a habit of. After the run and the cool down walk, I did my daily ab work and as much as I could do of my strength training workout. (I need dumbbells but after my purchases today, I should be good to go.) I felt pretty fit right about then.

Saturday, long run, 14.25 miles
I absolutely loved this run. I felt strong the entire time throughout, especially on the uphills. I can tell that the work that I have put in with strength training, especially the squats that I continue to do only now with my 10lb medicine ball. Even with the heat, I felt like I could keep up a solid pace and go even longer than the 13 miles that I did on the run portion. I may not love strength training as much as I do the run but I will definitely invest in strength training since it brings results like this.