CRAW Region 3 Week 4 – Dealing with Frustration

Monday, 61 minutes, 7.50 miles, 15 minute ride, 5.06 miles (.52 miles walking)
I headed to the gym right after YIG to get in the ride but by the time I got home, I did not have the motivation to get on the treadmill right away. After half an hour I got on and felt fantastic! Then with 18 minutes left, the belt on my treadmill just stopped. The screen kept going. The data kept accumulating but the belt did not. I even turned it off and back on again. Talk about frustrating. I just started paying on this. I grabbed my headlamp and headed outside to finish my run. I felt even better outside. Don’t know what’s up with that.

Tuesday, 61 minutes, 7.06 miles (.60 miles walking)
For the first time in November, I attempted some 400m intervals. I completed 10 rather than the 8 I had before. However, I had to grit out the last two. All of these intervals felt hard but I got them done. This shows that I should adopt a little more consistency when it comes to speedwork.

Wednesday, streak miles, 2.45 miles, 15 minute ride, 5.04 miles
I headed to the gym after department meeting to get this one in. With infection rates spiking all around, I really need to get my treadmill fixed asap. (I also would love to have a bike at home…). The treadmill miles felt great and so did the ride. I felt strong throughout both.

Thursday, 61 minutes, 7.18 miles, 15 minute ride, 4.65 miles (.53 walking)
I intended to start this run immediately after school and do an ad hoc brick run from my house to the gym and then back. I did not end up leaving school until 5:30 so…instead I headed home, changed and then ran at the gym since I still have not had a chance to call and schedule a repair for my treadmill. I really wanted to get out and pound the pavement…so much mental stress going on…but I also wanted to be safe so, gym it was. I completed my run, felt strong throughout although I did need a mental break about halfway through. I also tacked on a ride for some more miles.

Friday, 61 minutes, 8.03 miles, 15 minute ride, 5.14 miles
I had an emotional run today, a run full of stress from work so difficult to process. I ran to the gym, rode the bike for 15 minutes and then ran back. My fitness felt fine. I do not remember much about how I felt on the run actually. My head felt full and even though I did not come to a single epiphany or resolve anything, I felt better just getting the emotions out through pounding the pavement. Teaching is not for the faint of heart.

Saturday, long run, 14.02 miles
We had pretty decent weather for this run although it warmed up quickly and my short sleeve shirt felt like a bit much by the end of the run. Fitness-wise I felt strong throughout but did not really have the emotional energy or desire to go for the 17 that I half-heartedly planned for so we ended at 13.1 and then got a bit of a cool down walk. Mom and I talked a lot; she’s the best sounding board ever.

Sunday, streak run, 1.83 miles, ride, 12.57 miles
I felt strong on the run despite the fact that the shorts long enough for the ride don’t fit that well on the run and keep slipping down. I took the ride pretty easy and finished a book while I read. Even though I want plenty of miles, I have to make sure that I balance that with proper recovery to maintain the higher mileage.