Determined Blindness

A little while ago, a college friend of mine posted the following quote.

I resonated so much with the quote, with the knowledge that how we should act in the time of this virus, emulating the self-sacrifice of the cross, has become typical of those who abhor the name of Christ in large part due to those who claim the name but fail to emulate their namesake’s action. I felt affirmation, a kindred spirit who read and studied the same Scripture, coming to the same conclusion.

Then, even though I hypothesized correctly as to what I would find, I clicked through the story on my friend’s feed to the original post. While a few users left comments of thanks, agreement, or conviction, the comments soon became clogged with ugly vitriol from the disbelievers, the skeptics, and eager conspiracy adherents. My heart grieved as I watched people pervert Scripture, notably Romans 14, while advocating for selfish, unbiblical freedoms. I read people’s words spurning results of scientific research since it did not come directly from God’s mouth callously disregarding God’s use of human hands to advance His purpose. (Precious few humans over the course of history have ever heard God’s voice directly.) I also became disgusted with people purporting to be natural health experts spouting unreliable, unverified nonsense while rolling their eyes as they handed over carefully curated anecdotes when others ask for scientifically proven evidence, like a man comment shouting about the effects of the vaccines on women’s menstrual cycles who has the self-created title of natural health advocate.

Though I clicked away eventually, the reality of the hopelessness in trying to convince others so rooted in fallacy stuck with me. I saw that any words I might use will fall on deaf ears. The only Being capable of changing hearts and minds is the Almighty. I will continue to pray for that change while also for strength to grieve the reckoning God may bring through the events of the past year and a half.