Going Deep

When I first conceived of the idea for this blog, I pictured a place where I would dive in and thoroughly explore the variety of topics that spark my interested. I know that I’m only a month in but so far most of what I have written has stayed much closer to the surface than my original intent.

Why is this the case?

I think this might speak to the reason that I have never followed through with my essay goals before. This goal is not the first time I have vowed to put my thoughts about various issues to paper in a logical, coherent manner.

The simple answer is this, staying on the surface, writing superficial words is easy. It’s human nature to stay on the surface, choose the easy path. I learned a lot in 2016, chiefly that good things often come from the deep, significant work.

I knew that it would be difficult to keep up the once a week posting schedule once the semester got up and running again. That’s why I set this goal for myself to challenge myself, promote growth.

I will make and keep this commitment.

Next week I will be back with a recap of January goals as well as February goals even though it will be about halfway through the month. I was amiss in firmly stating February’s goals and I have noticed that I am a bit aimless without them.