GVRAT1000k Week 12 – Just Keep Running

Monday, 73 minutes, 8.23 miles (3.42 miles walking)
I felt less than motivated to get out the door for the run but I still got out and got the run done. I told myself even before I started to just concentrate on steady running, checking off the miles. I didn’t feel great but I didn’t feel terrible either. I just kept running.

Tuesday, 75 minutes, 8.52 miles (3.00 miles walking)
I needed this run for sure. I ran by myself because Mom didn’t make the trip in. She stayed home for the same reason I needed the run. Grandpa may have COVID. I just ran and let it all out. It’s hard to describe. I did not concentrate on a lot of the physical stuff. I just settled into the pace and ran.

Wednesday, 30 minutes, 4.89 miles (5.15 miles walking)
This run surprised me with how good I felt throughout. I did start to feel the heat and humidity towards the end of the run but when I started 71 degrees felt almost cool. That makes such a huge difference. My legs felt great too. I keep getting surprised with how well my legs have held up throughout this challenge, one in which I keep upping the ante. I never thought that I would start a run streak but today I reached day 70 of my streak.

Thursday, 73 minutes, 8.21 miles (3.88 miles walking)
I had intended to up my daily run time to 75 minutes but I got started later than I wanted and needed every minute to finish the walk and cool down with enough time to shower and make my smoothie before a work meeting. It warmed up much quicker than I expected which made the run a little more difficult but I got it done.