Spinx Run Fest Half Marathon 2017 – Race Recap

Race #136
Half Marathon #43
South Carolina Half Marathon #31
2017 Race #18
2017 Half Marathon #8
Spinx Run Fest Half Marathon #4

I almost forgot about this race. After Chicago, my mindset shifted first to recovery and then to building up for a 5k PR training cycle. (I’m finally devoting an entire training cycle to a 5k!) It’s a good thing I already registered for this and that Mom texted me earlier in the week asking me to remind her which races I had registered her for.

I was on my own for this one. Mom had a marriage conference at church so she couldn’t run with me. I made no distinct plans. My half marathons coming on the heels of marathons usually do not include anything close to speed. Although, usually I am the glutton for punishment who decides to run one two weeks after a marathon. This time around I waited an extra week.

Dad was going to come watch me at the finish but forgot to write it on his calendar. I totally get that. I have to write things on sticky notes or to do lists and still forget half the time.

Instead of writing a detailed recap I will simply leave a summary. I knew while I was running that I would likely not have enough to write a detailed post. I simply settled into an easy pace, at least it actually felt pretty easy and zoned out, in a good way.

My paces were as follows

I continue to love this race distance; yes, I am half crazy.