CRAW Region 4 Week 2 – All the Miles

Monday, 64 minutes, 7.37 miles, 25 min ride, 7.74 miles (.54 miles walking)
I felt super solid on the treadmill for this run. I felt like I could go forever, at least for the first several miles. I started to feel some of the soreness from Saturday’s trek up the mountain but my stride still felt solid. I thoroughly enjoyed this run. (The ride at the gym went well too even though I had some old guy who I had seen the week before stand right next to me while I rode so I could show him how to look up a podcast. Yeah…)

Tuesday, 64 minutes speedwork, 7.33 miles, 25 min ride, 8.10 miles (.64 miles walking)
I felt fantastic on this run! Easy pace felt great. The intervals felt great! (Probably could have pushed harder.) I took the walk breaks pretty easy and a handful of them went a little too long because I tried to maintain a couple text conversations. Now I have goes for the next session.

Wednesday, streak mile, 1.80 miles, 45 min ride, 15.37 miles, (.60 miles walking)
The streak mile felt tougher because I could not distract myself with other thoughts or zone in on the mile. I got it done however and felt amazing on the bike.

Thursday, 64 minutes, 7.32 miles, (.61 miles walking)
I ran on the track today so I would have no excuse getting started immediately after carline. I had just enough time to get in the full run and a little less than ten minutes of cool down before heading over to my regularly scheduled ART appointment. (I’m so glad I found Performance Therapy! They have kept me injury free for years.) I told myself to run an easy pace the entire time. I could tell by my effort that I complied since it felt like I barely lifted my feet off the ground. My pace, however, nearly the same as usual! I like what that means.

Friday, 64 minutes, 7.73 miles, 25 min ride, 8.54 miles
I felt good on the first half of the run. On the bike my left knee/quad decided to feel a little tight which I felt a little on the second half. Perhaps I should retire these shoes. (Done.)

Saturday, long run, 16.12 miles
We both felt pretty good throughout this run. My left knee/quad felt a little tight towards the beginning but with focusing on form it warmed up and felt pretty good. I ran 12 with Mom who still feels her trek up the mountain, understandably so, and then added another three and a half afterwards. I considered sticking with 12 but pushed myself for the additional miles and feel so glad I did.

Sunday, streak mile, 1.55 miles, hour ride, 18 miles
I completed the entire workout in my living room today. I love having my own bike set up in my house although the spin bike set up will take a little time to get used to since the stationary bike at the gym has a slightly different structure. I really enjoyed the whole thing and definitely wanted more miles. I limited myself to a single mile for recovery purposes.