CRAW Region 4 Week 3 – Cycle Away

Monday, 65 minutes, 7.60 miles, 30 minute ride, 9.00 miles
Work stuff made a good workout necessary; I definitely got it today. The run felt solid. I ran at home on the treadmill to take it easy on my left quad/knee as a just in case. I also ended up with great running motivation to watch. The left quad/knee/glute started to ache a little towards the end but the form still looked good in the computer screen reflection. The ride, on my bike felt fantastic as well.

Tuesday, 65 minutes, 7.58 miles, 30 minute ride, 9.00 miles, strength training
I don’t remember what prompted me to run inside today, probably the ease that comes with taking out the hill as well as the desire to have visual motivation since I can’t really hear the podcast that well over the car noise. I felt great on the treadmill, really strong. Occasionally my left knee would twinge but that served to remind me to keep good form. I had to take a break for a meeting but after that I got in the ride and the strength training work out although I had to cut that one short because my kindle died. (It had the plan on it.) Whoops.

Wednesday, streak mile, 1.59 miles, 50 minute ride, 15.00 miles
Oops…I forgot to actually write about the run and ride on the day itself.

Thursday, 65 minutes, 7.59 miles, 30 minute ride, 9.00 miles
As far as I can remember, I enjoyed the run and even felt rejuvenated towards the end when Mom asked if I had started my cool down. Nope. Then she said that I made it look easy. I’ll take that.

Friday, 65 minutes, 7.60 miles, 30 minute ride, 9.00 miles
I felt strong throughout the run with my Youtube viewing having me contemplating ultra running. I felt great on the ride as well, using the music on the Crossfit videos like a spin instructor might.