Twelve Goals – Lighten the Load

After several weeks with weightier, more in-depth posts, I want to pull back and revisit my yearly goals. Although it is not quite halfway through the year, I consider this my mid-year check-in since the actual halfway mark will find me in the throes of preparing to galavant around Europe for nearly a month. In this post I will check into original and updated goals before finishing with a recap of the goals I will keep and those I have set aside.

Goal #1 – Drink at least two bottles of water a day

While I have struggled with this goal at first, since adding a daily reminder to my todoist app. I have found much more success. I still struggle a little on Saturdays after long runs when my body craves flavor as well as on trips. I drank more on the DC trip than usual but could have benefited from some improvement. Based on that, I want to eliminate my original caveat and still aim to meet this goal while in Europe.

Goal #2 – Eliminate excess sugar

Other than a few weeks at the beginning of the year, I have not focused at all on this goal. My priorities have shifted since I first set the goal so I choose to eliminate this from my yearly goals. I still desire to trend towards healthy eating overall so this is not carte blanche to go hog wild on all the sugar, just a refocusing.

Goal #3 (and 4) – Fitness rededication

With the exception of a brief setback due to a cold recurrence as the demands of organizing and chaperoning three overnight field trips, I have had incredible success with this goal. The biggest thing that helped me with meeting this goal, apart from the non-refundable marathon entry fee, is the fact that I now start my runs at six. I still go to bed at the same time, ten, and set my alarm for the same time, five. I simply lay in bed a little longer and have a little more time to get ready. Doing this not only helps me get more sleep, it also means I get to run in daylight providing a much needed mental boost.

Goal #5 – Get out of bed right away

I have decided to eliminate this goal based on what I described above.

Goal #6 – Complete hip/glute exercises

While I have had much more success with this than last year, I still struggle to complete these when my routine changes or when I travel. Thus, I want to focus on maintaining this goal even when I travel to Europe.

Goal #7 – Leave work by five at the latest

The month of May felt wonderful. I pushed my workout back which meant that I arrived at school just a few minutes before the kids came to my room. I also had few evening obligations since my grad class ended, life group was on break and Model UN finished just prior to Spring Break. I started packing up my things and leaving as soon as bus holding ended or shortly thereafter. What an amazing feeling! I still managed to get everything done too. While some of my afternoon obligations will start up again come fall and a new school year, I think I will be able to maintain a healthier balance than before.

Goal #8 – Stay out of drama at work

Since I just left one of the most drama filled workplaces in which I have ever worked, I will likely have no trouble accomplishing this goal. As to past performance, that’s a mixed bag. Leaving right after school, which I mentioned above has certainly helped. I may not end up needing this goal at my new school so I will revisit it after I put it on summer hiatus.

Goal #9 – Read at least one hundred books

I still maintain a slightly faster than goal pace having completed 45 books. However, Spring Break and a lengthy tome, over 800 pages, significantly slowed down my pace. this month I hope to read several more than goal pace to hedge in anticipation of the Europe trip.

Goal #10 – Journal

For quite a while, I had a good thing going with this goal. I even journaled every day while in New York. Once Spring Break hit, however, I hit a few snags, primarily on travel days. That being said, I have had much more consistency this year than last.

Goal #11 – Write at least 20 minutes a day

I knew I would struggle with this goal. I wanted, and still want, to stretch myself in this area I know that I love. On weekends, I get in plenty of writing since that’s when I write, revise, edit, and type up these posts. On weekdays, however, the only time I spend writing comes with journaling and as I mentioned in the previous goal, that means that on most of my travel days, I have not written at all. Thankfully, all is not doom and gloom here. As I have delved into in a recent entry, the words have come to me with delicious facility. The habit has been restarted. I intend to nurture it with steadfast devotion.

Goal #12 – Maintain a 40% savings rate

At first, I had no trouble with this goal. Then I went to New York with my students. In the past couple months, I purchased awards for all of my YIG and Model UN kids including custom engraved gavels for my New York kids. I also bought photobooks for my New York kids too. I think I have purchased a few other things for my students as well but I cannot remember specifically. That has brought my savings rate down to 37%. Combine that with all the spending I’ve incurred while making purchases and it certainly feels like a lot more money has gone out then has come in. Maybe I need to establish a dedicated “teaching fund.” I know this season is temporary, however, and do not regret a single purchase I have made.

To sum things up, I have streamlined my goals enabling me to focus my energy better which also increases my chances of success.

The goals are now as follows:

#1 – Drink at least 2 bottles of water a day, even while traveling

#2 – Complete weekly strength training, four weekday runs of at least 40 minutes, and a long run of at least two hours

#3 – Complete hip and glute exercises

#4 – Leave work by five at the latest

#5 – Stay out of drama at work (on summer hiatus)

#6 – Read at least one hundred books

#7 – Journal daily

#8 – Write for at least 20 minutes daily which may include journaling

#9 – Maintain a 40% savings rate